Mass burn Incineration
Mass burn incineration is the most widely used and the oldest end-of-the-pipe waste disposal method in the world. Mass burn incineration today an environmentally friendly (in comparison to open dumping), widely accepted waste treatment method presently. Similar plants are found in every major city in the world, London, Paris, Copenhagen, Tokyo, Beijing, Shanghai Singapore etc. where it is difficult or impossible to transport waste a great distance from the source.
The technology consists of a mass burn incineration with energy recovery boiler and an advanced flue gas cleaning system meeting European Union emission standards. The incinerator is a moving grate type with a four-stage heat recovery boiler. The flue gas cleaning system will assure that the emissions exceed the standards required in the country and will meet EU2010 emission standards. The plant will be designed taking to consideration the recommendations and guidelines of the Waste Incineration Directive used in the European union. Fairway Waste Management is using international consultants, COWI of Denmark and Deltaway Energy BV of Netherlands in designing the plant.